Sabtu, 30 April 2011

Ann Coulter comments on weird liberals!

Bill O'Reilly interviews Ann Coulter and gets her views on Obama's birth certificate and weird liberals.

Just how crazy can liberals get? Watch this collection of crazy liberals arranged in order from least crazy, though definitely crazier than average, to most crazy. (

Selasa, 26 April 2011

White House Responds To Birthers - 4/26/11!

The White House on Tuesday castigated those who continue to express doubt about President Obama's birthplace. 2012 can't come soon enough!

The latest remarks from the White House come as Graham, son of famed pastor Billy Graham, described Obama as a "very nice man," but then gave credibility to so-called "birthers."

"The President, I know, has some issues to deal with here. He can solve this

Jumat, 22 April 2011

Rush Limbaugh comments on Donald Trump donations!

Trump has clearly burned bridges by bringing up numerous political issues that ail the US today. From China to OPEC, he's brought up what many politicians will not.

Although it's too early to consider whether or not he's the best and most electable candidate for the job, I find his hard hitting questions and idea's for the Country fascinating to say the least.

Keep an open mind about Trump.

Rabu, 20 April 2011

Rep. Allen West says Obama displays "third world dictator-like arrogance"!

While on the Laura Ingraham show, Rep. Allen West said the following:

Concerning Michelle Obama's military outreach campaign:

@0:23 - "I think it's part and parcel with the fact that you heard the president announce his campaign, getting that kicked off, and of course you have to try to go out there and garner votes from what is a very conservative group of individuals--that's the United

Senin, 18 April 2011

Rush Limbaugh interviews Donald Trump (04-15-2011)!

RUSH: You said we have stupid leaders here. It's almost as though -- this stuff can't happen in a vacuum. There has to be some reason this has been permitted to happen.

TRUMP: It is actually happening in a vacuum. Now, look, the debt is not a problem because, hey, look, nobody, Rush, over the years I've done tremendous business with banks, I work things out with banks and it's not difficult

Minggu, 17 April 2011

The best of while comedian Paul Shanklin!

Including hilarious favorites like "Barack The Magic Negro", "In A Yugo", "Shape Up With Sharpton", "Bill Clinton's American Pie" and "Hoods For Less".

Sabtu, 16 April 2011

Paul Ryan Slams Obama Deficit Plan!

Rep. Paul Ryan, Budget Committee Chairman, characterizes Obama's deficit-cutting speech at Georgetown University in Washington D.C on 4/13/2011 as "dramatically inaccurate and hopelessly inadequate....".

Enjoy: Two Trillion Tons, Obama Parody!

Kamis, 14 April 2011


Elisabeth Hasselbeck silences Joy Behar by pointing out that Bush is just as well educated as Obama!

Selasa, 12 April 2011

Harry Reid just can't seem to say 'Under God'!

.....and he loathes tax cuts for anyone making more than $5.00 a year! This man has no shame (like we didn't know this already):

Here are the words Harry:

The Biggest Problem Of The World!

A 2009 presentation which demonstrate why the Israeli-Palestinian conflict isn't the world's biggest problem, and gets too m

uch attention, which only leads the terrorists to continue their brutal killing of Israelis.

Senator John Bonacic comments on the property tax cap!

Senator John Bonacic (Republican, Conservative, Independence) says:
"Over 80% of the people in the state want us to control property's time for the assembly to act..."

Senator Bonacic comments on the Students Inside Albany program:

Senin, 11 April 2011

Steele: GOP Not Ready For Me!

Former Chairman of the Republican National Committee Michael Steele says the political machine is so established that it's hard to get minority voices heard. Steele was speaking at an event sponsored by the Aspen Institute on race and politics.

Donald Trump answers THE LEFT: "I am Your Worst Nightmare"!

The left wing vermin are scared to death of Trump. So are the libertarian Beck puppets, because their leader chose the wrong side on the eligibility issue. YouTuber "cnin242"

Sabtu, 09 April 2011

Trump: "This Country is Going to Hell!"

Donald Trump talks with TODAY's Meredith Vieira about his possible White House bid, his 'doubts' about President Obama's citizenship and his views on foreign policy. We need more Trumps around saying what everyone else is thinking.

Radio talk show host Mark Levin chimes in with: "The country is going to hell and Michelle Obama is talking about breast feeding":

Obama says....

The following are comments from President Obama which will demonstrate his passion for American citizen sacrifice and behavior modification in these current days of economic malaise. Remember, the election is over and he won!

Jumat, 08 April 2011

Governor Nikki Haley's Visit to Bluffton Middle School!

Governor Haley stopped by to visit with ELT students at Bluffton Middle School on Thursday, March 31, 2011. This video is the CSPAN style edition of her visit.

Governor Nikki Haley Signs S 434 Into Law! "Patients come first and providers come second!" Take that, Harry Reid!


Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY) vowed yesterday that the provision to defund Planned Parenthood that passed the House earlier this year is “never, never, never going to pass the Senate.”

Rest assured that (un) Planned Parenthood is never, never, never going to defend the rights of your unwanted, "unviable tissues mass"! Have all the guilt-free sex you want!

By the way, may God have mercy on your

Kamis, 07 April 2011

Senator Mitch McConnell: Dems Have "No One To Blame But Themselves"!

Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY): "In other words, if a shutdown does occur, our Democratic friends have no one to blame but themselves because they have done nothing whatsoever to prevent it, since they have produced no alternative to the bill that the house is sending over today."

Freshman GOP Senator Mike Lee (Utah) says President Obama's inability to get a budget passed last year may have

Rabu, 06 April 2011


All ideas? Like increased drilling in Alaska? Like increased off-shore drilling? Like increased extraction of natural gas? Like increased construction of nuclear power plants? Like increased use of coal?

Yeah, he's open to all ideas, just like when he had his open and inclusive attitude when he came up with his health care plan.

This comment nails it! 

Remember when

Charlie Sheen's "Tiger blood" tour in Cleveland, Ohio!

Here's a "flip video" shot from the bleachers at Charlie Sheen's "Tiger blood" tour in Cleveland, Ohio. This picture gives you an idea of what to expect. Note: YouTube may pull these videos at any time. We can only hope!

Here's part one:

Want more? Here's part two:

Don't stop now! Here's part three:

Starting to get annoyed yet? Here's part four:

Almost done. Here's part five:

That's enough,

Senin, 04 April 2011

Obama "I talked to the Egyptians" parody!

Obama sings his version of "walk like an Egyptian" I talked to the egyptians parody done by Paul shanklin on Rush limbaugh program! Performed by comedian Paul Shaklin.

While we're at it , here's the "Afghanistan Plan Rubberband Man". Featuring Moochelle and Obama Sub Laden. Afghanistan Plan Rubberband Man song by Paul Shanklin. Was featured on Rush Limbaugh. Oh, I made Obama's portrait include

Jumat, 01 April 2011