Senin, 31 Januari 2011

Fire From The Heartland, The Awakening of the Conservative Woman!

The first-ever film to tell the entire story of the conservative woman in her own words, "Fire from the Heartland" is a powerful statement about America at a crossroads and the women who have awakened to the crisis. With role models such as Clare Boothe Luce, Margaret Thatcher, and Phyllis Schlafly as inspiration, these women are the unintended consequence of the liberal feminist

Florida Judges Rules Obamacare Unconstitutional!

Bad news for Democrats is always great news for America!
A federal judge declared the Obama administration's health care overhaul unconstitutional Monday, siding with 26 states that sued to block it, saying that people can't be required to buy health insurance. "Because the individual mandate is unconstitutional and not severable, the entire act must be declared void," he wrote, "This has been a

President Bush speaks candidly about “Decision Points” and his Presidency!

During a great interview on CNN on January 24th, former President George W. Bush talked about his best-selling memoir Decision Points. The program took place on the campus of Southern Methodist University in Dallas, where his presidential library will be located. Nineteen students from the university asked Mr. Bush questions about his administration, his programs, and his future plans. Here are a

Minggu, 30 Januari 2011

Amateur footage of protests in Cairo, Egypt!

Egypt's most prominent democracy advocate took up a bullhorn Sunday to call for President Hosni Mubarak to go, speaking to thousands of protesters who defied a third night of curfew to mass in the capital's main square. Fighter jets streaked low overhead and police returned to the streets as Egypt's government tried to show its authority over a situation spiraling out of control. (HAMZA

Speaker Boehner Talks Cutting Spending, Creating Jobs on Fox News Sunday!

On Fox News Sunday, Speaker Boehner discussed cutting government spending to help create new jobs. Boehner said "there is no limit to the amount of spending we're willing to cut."

The Barack Obama Cable Station!

Here's a 30-second spot for a new TV show that's "like watching a bad TV sitcom!"

Sabtu, 29 Januari 2011

Former US Senator Alan Simpson- "Politics is a contact sport"!

Flasback of wisdom: "Politics is a contact sport," former United States Senator Alan K. Simpson told an audience at DePauw University in 1998. Simpson, director of the Institute of Politics at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, offered "An Overview of Congress: Where You Stand Depends on Where You Sit" in Meharry Hall of historic East College. He once said, "as a politician,

John Kerry: A Global Warming suggestion for Chinese President Hu Jintao!

At the World Economic Forum, John Kerry is asked: If you could ask any other world leader a question, what would it be and who would you ask it to? Since nobody gets things done like John (who served in Vietnam) Kerry, he begins by saying that he'd ask someone who is alive because "we need to get things done". Stumbling through the rest of his answer he says that he'd like to ask President Jintao

Glenn Beck Show (January 28, 2011): Can Man Rule Himself?

Check out this new compilation video from Glenn Beck revealing how Americans are being manipulated via the 'left' by means of appeals to crisis in various and sundry forms:  

This show is all about the American Experiment rule himself? And if so, how? Joining Glenn and the studio audience for this show is Marvin Olasky, author of 'Corporate Public Relations: A New Historical Perspective'. http:

Jumat, 28 Januari 2011

Kathleen Sebelius: The Commerce Clause Gives The Government The Right To Mandate Health Insurance!

Today: Kathleen Sebelius spoke at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. When asked by a correspondent where the government gets the power to mandate that Americans purchase health insurance, her response was "I am not a lawyer" and plans to leave that up to the Department of Justice (DOJ). This response should concern all Americans as it sounds like she hasn't given this 

Mark Steyn - 2010 In Review!

In this ten minute interview, Rush Limbaugh fill-in host Mark Steyn reviews the salient events of 2010 on the Hugh Hewitt radio show.

Topics include: 

Gulf Oil Disaster
ObamaCare passage 
Bristol Palin Dances
Elections 2010
Haiti Earthquake
Scott Brown Triumph 
Elana Kagen
TEA Party
...and the list goes on 

Thousands confront and stone Egyptian riot police in Cairo!

From Russia Today: The Egyptian capital Cairo was the scene of violent chaos on Friday, when tens of thousands of anti-government protesters stoned and confronted police, who fired back with rubber bullets, tear gas and water cannons. It was a major escalation in what was already the biggest challenge to authoritarian President Hosni Mubarak's 30 year-rule. They are demanding Mubarak's ouster and

Sarah Palin on Bob and Mark- You speak in our language!

During this 14 minute interview with "Bob and Mark", Sarah was asked about her comments when she was on Greta Van Susteren's show talking about Obama and his WTF moments during the state of the union. "You were talking with Greta Van Susteren and we just loved the fact that you turned Pres. Obama's slogan "Winning the future" into a "WTF" moment. This is why so many people like you because you

Kamis, 27 Januari 2011

American Idol's Chris Medina's Heart Warming Audition!

Folks, American Idol fan or not, you need to watch Chris Medina's testimony before even singing a note for his American Idol audition....which he did well, by the way. Chris is a national reminder to us that there are still people in this world who take love and commitment seriously.....and permanently. Caution: You will need a tissue for this one.

Rush Limbaugh: The Haney Project Videos and The Justice Brothers at the Oscars!

Here are a few media goodies from Rush's show today starting with this hilarious audio clip:
The Justice Brothers investigate this years Oscars:
Parody: The Justice Brothers on the Oscars

Concerning Rush's Golf channel endeavour, Rush said:

The TV ratings for the Obama State of Union show were down over last year, significantly down. The Golf Channel ratings for the same time, nine o'clock on

Reid to Obama: Load up on more earmarks!

Harry Reid told ABC's Jonathan Karl President that Obama is wrong when it comes to his supposed 'earmark ban' promised during his State of the Union address. Reid says he already has enough power- and thinks he's trying to undercut the power of congress. (Courtesy

In this clip additional Harry Reid said that Obama is ‘stealing power‘, and the solution is to load up on more earmarks.

Rabu, 26 Januari 2011

Cenk's Ugyur, the new face of MSNBC takes vulgar to a lower low!

Cenk Ugyur, usurper of Ed Schultz's 6 PM ET slot, hits a vulgar new low on MSNBC. The self-styled 'Young Turk' uses a variation of the f-word in fulminating about Paul Ryan's response to the SOTU. Dem congresswoman Jan Schakowsky calls Ryan's remarks "vicious." Well, ok then Cenk! I think we can determine what else to expect from you on your new MSNBC gig based on your previous body of work.

Selasa, 25 Januari 2011

States of the Union: From the right!

President Obama is giving his prepared State of the Union Address as I write this. Rather than listen to "words without substance" and "promises without intention", I choose instead to be inspired by previous State of the Union Addresses by great Republican Presidents of my time. I hope you enjoy and are inspired.

President Bush's State of the Union speech 1/29/09

President George H.W. Bush's

Elizabeth Hughes, 8 years old, National Anthem, Norfolk Admirals Game, Scope Arena!

Elizabeth's debut singing the national anthem on January 7, 2011 at the Norfolk Admirals game. The good news is that she did a wonderful job. The bad news is that the mic died after "gave proof." However, the crowd picked up the song and she kept her composure and stood there singing. But nobody got to hear her amazing high note on "free." YouTuber: DorothyShiloffHughes

You won't see this

Senin, 24 Januari 2011

Oh, how the "left" attacked Ronald Reagan in the glory years!

Direct from our "unbiased" Lamestream Media:
On ABC's Good Morning America in June of 2004, following Reagan's death, ABC reporter Sam Donaldson praised the late president's personally generous, but then bashed his policies as miserly.

In September of 1999, co-host Katie Couric previewed a newly released biography of Ronald Reagan at the top of NBC's Today by proclaiming: "The Gipper

Minggu, 23 Januari 2011

Rush Limbaugh branded a drug addict on 'Harry's Law'!

NBC sinks to a new level with an attack on the
character on El Rushbo and the conservative Republican party. As always, this will only draw more attention (and future listeners) to Rush. Every time the MSM sends out their attack dogs they manage to step right back into their own doo-doo! It happened on a recent episode of 'Harry's Law':

MCCRANE: If we were

Sabtu, 22 Januari 2011

MSNBC's new host Cenk Uygur's facts on following the Bible!

Wonderful things are happening at MSNBC. Cenk Uygur of the Web show "The Young Turks" is filling Ed Schultz's vacated 6 p.m. time slot. Then again, who can really fill Ed's shoes anyway. Cenk Uygur was the host of the Lib talk show "The Young Turks," on the now extinct Airhead America. This is sure to be the final nail in MSNBC's ratings coffin and Conservatives are thrilled!

Here's a brief

How to start a fire using potato chips!

Just thought I'd pass this along for all you campers out there. Combining snack and kindling just became a whole lot tastier.......and lighter!

Learn How to start a fire using potato chips. For more Survival Training How-To Videos & Articles, visit WonderHowTo.

Jumat, 21 Januari 2011

Rush Limbaugh: "The Uncivil Defense System Parody"and Yoji "Pop"!

Here's Yoji Pop!
First, if you haven't seen Yoji "Pop" Asano's "Party In The USA" audition on American Idol 2011 (Party In The USA), then drop everything and watch it here.
Granted this has nothing to do with Rush's show today. Although the laughs continued:
The all new "Uncivil Defense System Parody":
Part One
Part Two
Rush finally asks where Obama's birth certificate is!

Hawaii: Obama Birth Certificate Missing!

Hawaii Governor Neil Abercrombie has told Honolulu's Star-Advertiser: 'It actually exists in the archives, written down,' he said. 'It's a matter of principle with me,' the 72-year-old said. 'I knew his mum and dad. I was here when he was born. Anybody who wants to ask a question honestly could have had their answer already.' 'You're not going to convince those people because they have a

Rocket with super secret payload launched on west coast!

The largest rocket ever launched from the Vandenburg Air Force Base Thursday with a classified defense satellite on board. Video courtesy:
The EELV program was designed to reduce the cost of government space launches through greater contractor competition, and modifiable rocket families

Newt: Ben Bernanke is Wrong, We Can Do Better!

Former Speaker Newt Gingrich rejects Ben Bernanke's statement that it will take four or more years for the job market to come back, saying instead that President Obama should return to the concept of "drill here, drill now, pay less," to provide Americans that want to work with jobs. America is ready to get back to work and we are more than qualified to do the job!

America's next economic

Kamis, 20 Januari 2011

Rush Limbaugh - The Moral Code of The State Run Media!

Rush comments on:

The Case for Killing Granny!
The idea that we might ration health care to seniors (or anyone else) is political anathema. Politicians do not dare breathe the R word, lest they be accused—however wrongly—of trying to pull the plug on Grandma. But the need to spend less money on the elderly at the end of life is the elephant in the room in the health-reform debate. Everyone

Rabu, 19 Januari 2011

Rush Limbaugh: The Battle to Repeal Obamacare!

From the January 19, 2011 broadcast:

RUSH: We have a mantra montage of a bunch of Democrats and media types saying that repealing Obamacare is discrimination.

PELOSI: 129 million Americans have preexisting conditions and could lose their health care coverage if you discriminate.

GARAMENDI: The gross discrimination upon

Rush Limbaugh Parody: Guess Hu's Coming to Dinner!

Bow Wow?

Click on link for another hilarious Paul Shanklin audio clip:
Parody: Guess Hu's Coming to Dinner

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About the ChiCom Dictator Hu But Were Afraid to Ask!
RUSH: As you know, ladies and gentlemen, Obama, president of our country, said this morning during a ceremony for Hu Jintao that the last 30 years of our relationship with China have been a time of

New York Senators Zeldin, Alesi and Ranzenhofer speak at the Job Creation News Conference!

Senator Lee Zeldin from the New York Senate on the 19th: "We are serious about reducing the burden to the taxpayers. In the past two years New York state as increased taxes....way too much, that's why I'm here....What appears to be a necessity, many times just a luxury"

Democrats, are you listening? Do you care??? As Senator Michael Ranzenhofer puts it: "The more you tax (us), the more you

Senator Lugar on Tea Party Primary Challenge in 2012!

From a breakfast sponsored by the Christian Science Monitor, Rep. Dick Lugar talks with journalists about the challenges facing the Tea Party during the primaries for 2012. Americans are disappointed with life in America and want to express themselves, hence the formation of the TEA party. As Americans, we have the right to assemble peacefully!

Selasa, 18 Januari 2011

Liberal Caller Can't Give an Example of Hate or Vitriol From Limbaugh!
On January 18, 2011 Rush took a fascinating call from Pat from New Port Richey, Florida:

CALLER: Yes. I'm quite upset over the way you speak about everybody.... Well, because of all the things that you encourage people to do. You get them all riled up. You know, I'm not saying you killed anybody but I understand where that comes from. And it's both sides.

Violent rhetoric only comes from the political right...right?

Here is a collection of video clips/ photos for all those leftists who have difficulty remembering examples of left wing violent rhetoric which has conveniently receded into the bowels of the MSM's memory banks!

Sarah Palin to MSM: "I Am Not Going to Shut Up"!

On a recent broadcast, Sarah Palin tells Sean Hannity that despite the constant attacks by the MSM empire she assures us that, "I am not going to shut up." ...and why should she! Palin spoke to Hannity about the left smearing her after the Tuscon shootings by a left-wing pothead lunatic who hated Bush.

Animation: Hu Jintao jets into Washington!

Courtesy Chinese President Hu Jintao is visiting Washington D.C. this week to meet with Barack Obama and talk about trade deficits, the yuan and North Korea. Watch as Hu flies in on China's new stealth jet and literally raises hell.

Senin, 17 Januari 2011

Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders USO Show!

Here'a a three part recording of a USO show the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders presented to the Airmen, Soldiers, Marines and Sailors stationed or visiting Osan AB in Republic of South Korea this past December. They performed on a Wednesday night before a packed house at the Osan Air Base theater. Staff Sgt. Steven Poppell attended and answered a

Liberals Lament: Tucson Shooting Fails to End the Right-Wing Media!

Rush Limbaugh January 17, 2011:
"Two things are clear from Saturday's ABC News town hall meeting in Tucson. One: Tucsonans are eager to move forward and recover from last week's horrible shooting rampage." Oh. Let me find this. It's a story from the New York Times, Matt Bai. Only in the New York Times would you see this. "After Tucson, Is the Anger Gone?" Now, this is presented as a news


Yet another source of tax revenue for your Uncle Sam:
If a proposed bill becomes law in New Jersey, bicyclists will have to pay to register bikes or face a fine.
The bill, introduced by Democratic New Jersey assemblywoman Cleopatra Tucker of Essex, requires owners to register bikes with the Motor Vehicle Commission for $10 dollars a piece or face fines up to $100. A license plate would be

Chris Christie: I'm not arrogant enough to believe I have experience for the White House!

Chris Christie told Chris Wallace on FOX News Sunday, "I'm not arrogant enough to believe that after one year of serving I have the experience to be President." He also notes that he is committed to finishing his term in New Jersey before seeking any Presidential aspirations. Kudos to Gov. Christie!

Minggu, 16 Januari 2011

Dr. Monica Crowley and Alicia Menendez on Dupnik!

2011.01.11 ~ The O'Reilly Factor
Guests: Dr, Monica Crowley and Alicia Menendez (filling in for Alan Colmes): Alicia Menendez tries to excuse Sheriff Clarence Dupnik and feels "terrorized" while Monica Crowley responds to Hillary Clinton's comment drawing a moral equivalent between a lone psychopath and Islamic terrorists. O'Reilly reminds us that politics and law enforcement "shouldn't mix".

Global Warming: 1000 Melting Men At Berlin!

Check this out from our global warming advocates: Brazilian artist Nele Azevedo carved 1000 little ice men as a project for the World Wildlife Fund.

Now, for those still skeptical about the realites of "Global Warming" (wink, wink), check out this AP story about the "third winter storm in three weeks which buried parts of the Northeast in nearly 2 feet of wet, blowing snow last week,

God’s invisible qualities!

This week's brief departure from politics:

When an astronomer peers through his telescope and discovers eight lifeless rocks orbiting our Sun along with billions of other planets in the universe and finds no evidence of a planet as unique as Earth, I would think that he HAS to consider the possibility of a supernatural creative work.
Even when I was a child examining the fragile environment

Bill Maher Blames Tucson Shooting On...Lack of ObamaCare!

On the season premiere of his HBO show, Bill Maher offered a bizarre explanation for why Jared Lee Loughner was able to commit mass murder: "Because we don't have government health care, that's one reason why a crazy person gets a gun because, you know what, it’s hard for a crazy person to get a job, so therefore it’s hard for them to get heath care in a country that doesn’t

Sabtu, 15 Januari 2011

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul On Economics And Leftist Propaganda!

Today's clip comes from Sean Hannity: He interviews Kentucky Senator Rand Paul who talks about the economic state of the U.S. an Left Wing propaganda.

Meghan McCain: "I am SO excited to see what Rand Paul does"!
"I am so excited to see what Rand Paul does. I cannot wait to see what he does. I'm glad that he got elected for no other reason then i want to see what this libertarianism, tea party

Jumat, 14 Januari 2011

FLASHBACK: Bill Clinton's Tear for Ron Brown in 1996!

Rush Limbaugh talks about Bill Clinton's seemingly fake tears at the Ron Brown memorial: Clinton is laughing, telling a joke...spots the camera, come the tears. The guy next to him is still smiling!

Can you believe this: Look for this controversial mobile billboard in Palm Beach, doubt paid for by the Democratic National Committee.

The Tyranny Of Nice: Kathy Shaidle!

For those of you who do not know my fellow conservative blogger Kathy Shaidle (, you would do well to stop by her blog and peruse her daily entries. To get a real feel for Kathy on live TV, I've included an old interview taped in 2008 with her and Pete Vere discussing their book "The Tyranny Of Nice' from. In this clip they discuss (occasional Rush Limbaugh fill-n

Kamis, 13 Januari 2011

Recovery? Jobless Claims Jump, Food Costs Surge!

RUSH LIMBAUGH January 13, 2011: "More people applied for unemployment benefits last week after retailers shed temporary holiday employees." No kidding. "The Labor Department said today that the number of people seeking benefits jumped by 35,000 to a seasonally adjusted 445,000 for the week ending Jan. 8. It was the highest level since late October." Nowhere in this story is the word "

Sarah Palin: "America's Enduring Strength"!

Unbridled, Vitriolic Hatred for Sarah Palin Continues Unabated!
RUSH LIMBAUGH: January 13, 2011
According to ABC News, the death threats against Sarah Palin have reached an unprecedented level. I have the story in the stack. In San Francisco today I guess we can say the president's words are being ignored because there are insulting posters of Sarah Palin on a street which encourage

Great Democrat Memorials Past: Clinton's Tear for Ron Brown, 1996!

RUSH: Our previous caller, when I asked if she had seen the Wellstone Memorial, said, "Oh, yeah, I remember Bill Clinton and the tears when the camera turned to him." That was the Ron Brown Memorial. Now, the Ron Brown Memorial, this was a moment. NBC caught this on videotape, and over at our TV show, our astute and observant producers caught the one feed. After we made their feed more public

An interview with Paul Shanklin- Songs of the Revolution!

Here is an interview with Paul Shanklin on "The Conscience of Kansas" with host Paul A. Ibbetson talking about Shanklin's newest "Songs of the Revolution" album. Paul does a few impersonations during the course of this 15 minute interview (he he).

Rush Limbaugh - Utter Lies Told by The Political Left!

Rush talks about how (D) Bob Brady wants to take away free speech. America should be concerned!

Rabu, 12 Januari 2011

Obama: 'Gabby Opened Her Eyes For The First Time'!

The Tucson, Arizona shooting victims memorial was held tonight. Say what you will about his politics, tonight Obama knocked it out of the park. Well done!

Chinese Stealth Fighter Makes First Test Flight!

China's radar-eluding stealth fighter made its first-known test flight Tuesday, marking dramatic progress in the country's efforts to develop cutting-edge military technologies.

Selasa, 11 Januari 2011

Interview with Ed Morrissey on Arizona shooting rampage!

Ed Morrissey, a talk show host for Conservative Radio based in Minneapolis, Minnesota, tells Al Jazeera it is not the responsibility of politicians to curb their strong language, especially when engaging in a debate about government policies. (Jan 11, 2010)

The host begins with the assumption that political rhetoric comes from those "particularly on the right and far right". Morrissey

Tucson Shooting: Jared Loughner's Neighbors, Classmates, and Friends React!

Reactions from Jared Lee Loughner's neighbors and high school classmates shed light on how the people that knew him feel about his animosity toward politicians and anti-government attitude.

Senin, 10 Januari 2011

Corker: Congress Must Agree to Cut Spending Before Debt Ceiling Vote!

Appearing on CNBC's "Kudlow Report," Senator Bob Corker says Congress must agree to cut federal spending before a looming vote to increase the debt ceiling. Corker plans to reintroduce bipartisan legislation this year that would establish a binding cap on federal spending as a percentage of the overall economy or gross domestic product (GDP).

World Debut of All-New 2012 VW Passat in Chattanooga!

The VW Passat was unveiled just a few minutes ago. VW says the production of the new mid sized and American version, of the Passat will generate 2,000 direct jobs and 10,000 indirect jobs for Chattanooga and the rest of the US! Senator Bob Corker is currently being interviewed on our local station and is literally broken up with tears of happiness.

Did 'Vitriol' on Airwaves Trigger Arizona Attack?

Megyn Kelly interviews Arizona Sheriff Clarence Dupnick on Jarad Loughner: "There is no way to rationalize irrational behavior". (In response to those who would suggest that "vitriolic" statements on radio and TV are to blame.) Kelly, in her subtleties, goes at Dupnik 4 specific times, all while remaining calm & focused, drawing attention to THE FACT that it is Dupnik himself, who is

Hi-Tech cars and robots coming to a neighborhood near you!

How would you like to drive this to work (Click to watch video):
It's the GM EN-V PUMA Jiao Xiao Vehicles revealed at the 2011 CES Las Vegas 1-7-11

Will 2011 turn into the year of robots and Artificial Intelligence? (Click to watch video)
In South Korea, a school is using robots to teach English to children. The robots are remotely guided by teachers in the Philippines. In China, a

Minggu, 09 Januari 2011

Local reaction to shooting of Rep. Giffords in AZ!


Jared Loughner Burns Old Glory!

Via yesterday:
Whatever you call Jared Loughner, don't call him a patriot. Shooting a Congresswoman wasn't his first gesture of deranged hatred toward America. Here's the psycho burning our flag:

Loughner posted this video, but some other kook originally uploaded it, so it may not be Loughner in the scary mask and trash bag pants,

Tea Party Blamed for Gifford's Shooting?

Appearing on Fox News shortly after the tragic shooting of Congresswoman Gabriella Gifford in Arizona, State Senator Linda Lopez (Democrat, District 29) suggests the Tea Party movement may be blame. Does this means that it's now open season on documenting the travesties which the George Soros led Progressive Movement may be accountable for?


Sabtu, 08 Januari 2011

A new home for US submarine Kittiwake!

"After an epic seven years in the making, the Kittiwake, the former US submarine rescue vessel, has finally made it to her new home: The seabed off Seven Mile Beach, Grand Cayman where she has become the newest artificial reef in the Caribbean. Yesterday, the USS Kittiwake met her final resting place in the warm, clear water off Grand Cayman." Courtesy of YouTuber SunsetHouseCayman.


Gas prices comparison under Presidents Obama, Bush and Clinton!

Here are two pictures which speak a thousand words:


Pelosi blames Democrats' loss on Bush!

MINORITY LEADER Rep. Nancy Pelosi tells CNN's John King she blames George W. Bush for the recent Democratic loss. "The policies of George W. Bush.....caused joblessness on Wall Street!" she says in this clip. Don't you love the sound of 'minority leader' with respect to Ms. Pelosi. Of course, 'private citizen' has an infinitely more appealing tone to it!

Nancy Pelosi handed the Gavel over to

Jumat, 07 Januari 2011

The Laura Ingraham Show - Palin: Obama is hell bent on weakening America!

@3:38 - Palin: "We've got to be able to respect our politicians and trust what it is they are doing. Now, I don't personally trust what comes out of the White House....[Obama] is hell bent on weakening America and he has told us back in March of 2006 that it weakens America domestically and internationally to raise the debt ceiling. And he said it is a sign of failed leadership to support

Senator introduces Illegal Immigration Enforcement Act!

Here's an example of politics done right:
Nebraska could soon follow step with Arizona in adopting stricter immigration laws. Senator Charlie Janssen with the help Nebraska Attorney General Jon Bruning introduced the Illegal Immigration Enforcement Act. It would give officers the power to verify immigration status of offenders if there is 'reasonable suspicion'. It criminalizes working in the

CES 2011: Ford debuts all-electric car!

For the first time outside of a major auto show, Ford has introduced a new car, the Focus Electric. Charging time is 3-4 hours with a top speed of 84 mph. Home charging station: $1,500 smackers! Thank, but no thanks Ford.

Rush Limbaugh, "John Boehner Says "Up Yours" To Harry Reid"!

Reid tells Boehner: "Don't even bother trying to repeal Obamacare in the House because it's going to fail in the Senate!"
Boehner tells Reid: "The House IS going to pass legislation to repeal it!"
Translation: Up yours!

Rabu, 05 Januari 2011

Sarah Palin Told You So: Obama Death Panels are Back!

RUSH: The White House apparently has flip-flopped again. Last week they were caught trying to sneak in the death panels, essentially. A federal rule that Medicaid doctors, in order get paid by Medicaid, Medicare, had to have end-of-life discussions with their seasoned citizen patients once a year. What's an end-of-life discussion? An end-of-life discussion is, "All right, the day's gonna

Rep. Kelly Pushes Common Sense Spending in Washington!

Rep.-Elect Mike Kelly (PA) urges Congress to adopt fiscal restraint and put an end to run-away Washington spending.

Selasa, 04 Januari 2011

The Haney Project Rush Limbaugh: Premieres January 11!

Important information for Dittoheads:
Watch the most listened to radio personality in America learn to become... a listener! The Haney Project: Rush Limbaugh premieres Tuesday, January 11th at 9 p.m. ET only on Golf Channel.

How a Double Dip in Housing Impacts the Economy!

Peter Zalewski of on how low housing prices have impacted his business's bottom line.

Senin, 03 Januari 2011

Wisconsin Joins Multi-State Federal Health Care Lawsuit!

Encouraging news from:
Shortly after noon Scott K. Walker (R) was sworn in as Wisconsin's 45th Governor. His ascendancy has an immediate impact as Wisconsin will now join a mulit-state lawsuit to block the implementation of federal health legislation. In this report from Madison, MacIver News Service's Bill Osmulski speaks with Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen

Mort Zuckerman: NY Needs to Cut Spending!

Boston Properties CEO Mort Zuckerman on the need for government spending cuts on a local and national level.

Brace for Higher State Taxes.

Trash bags piled 5-feet-high in NYC!

MYFOXNY.COM - The New York City Department of Sanitation announced Saturday that it will resume limited garbage collection around the city at 7 a.m. on Monday, January 3. Because of the holiday schedule and then snow, trash has not been collected since Christmas Eve. Fox 5 News shot video of trash bags piled 5-feet-high on one Upper East Side block on Friday.

Garbage Collection Resumes On

DADT America Obama Israel Angels!

Black Bishop Robert E Smith Sr with Word of Outreach Christian Center in Little Rock, AR teaches during a New Year's Eve prayer, praise and Word service to close out 2010 and usher in 2011. Bishop warns President Barack Obama about the repeal of the Don't Ask Don't Tell law that will allow Gays and Lesbians to serve openly in the military with no fear of being discharged for their ungodly

Minggu, 02 Januari 2011

Issa: Tough GOP Oversight Shrinks Government AND Fosters Jobs Growth!

During the 1-2-10 edition of Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace, incoming GOP oversight Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) previewed the tough oversight and spending accountability American taxpayers deserve...and will be delivered by the new House Republican Majority in Congress. Yea baby!

Taiwan/China's double agent caught red-handed!

Taiwan and China split after a civil war in the 1949, resulting in the two China's: the Republic of China (aka. Taiwan) and People's Republic of China (aka. China). Though not officially at war, the tensions are high. In November of 2010, a Taiwanese military intelligence officer posing as a businessman in China was caught by the Chinese police. 15 days later, he became a double agent to also

George Will On The Debt Ceiling!

Will: "I know of no other developed nation that has a debt ceiling! If the USA defaults on it's foreign debt then......."

Sabtu, 01 Januari 2011

Rush Limbaugh argues with a liberal caller about taxes

Guess who wins!

Obama Starts Off 2011 With a Whopper: "I Am Committed to Creating Jobs"!

Barack Obama started off 2011 with a whopper. The far left antibusiness president says his resolution is to create jobs... Unfortunately all of his big government socialist policies have failed to do that and his latest move to give the EPA more power over industry will cause thousands of more Americans to lose their employment.

New Year's Day Dippers 2011!

Swimmers in the North Sea on New Year's day 2011. So what did you do?

iCrackUriDevice's Top Ten Tech of 2010!

1. The iPad
2. The iPhone 4
3. The HTC Evo 4g
4. Mobile Video Chat
5. Apple TV 2nd gen
6. iPod Nano 6th gen
7. The New Cydia
8. iOS 4
9. Cloud Computing
10. 3D Technology